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Thing To Know About Medan Lake Toba Tour - Indonesia

Writer's picture: D Asia Travels (rsvn)D Asia Travels (rsvn)

Updated: May 9, 2023

About Medan Lake Toba tour vacation holiday tours package When speaking endlessly, Sumatra Island's capital city of Medan and its cultural diversity also have tourist attractions that must be visited. Medan, the capital of North Sumatra province, has a diverse wealth, one of which is its natural attractions. When speaking of North Sumatra tourism, surely people would guess "Lake Toba” Well, Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia and is a very well-known International tourist destination, but wait in Medan and surrounding areas are also interesting places that must be visited.

1. Maimoon Palace

Maimoon Palace Maimoon Palace is famous because it is a relic of Empire Deli, a yellow palace that stands majestically. Visitors can enjoy a collection of courts from the past but still intact photo Sultan and its history, and there is a luxurious sultan's throne. To add insight into the kingdom of Deli and enjoy the feel of the past, the Maimoon Palace could reference traveling and enjoying a day off to pay Rp 5,000 only.

Maimoon is one of the main attractions in Medan. The palace was built in 1888 by Sultan Ma'mun Al Rashid Perkasa Alam. Sultan Ma'mun Al Rashid governed from 1873 to 1924. This architect was design shows the building of Traditional Malay and Indian Muslims. While it's architectural style is a combination between Indonesia, Persia, and Europe. In the palace courtyard, find blunt weapons (cannon butts) as a legend in Maimoon.

2. Masjid Raya, Medan

Medan icon is sure Mosque Medan is a majestic mosque and a sizeable Muslim house of worship. Not far from the Palace, MAIMUN is quite a walk of about 200 meters. Other names of Masjid Raya Medan are Mosque Mushin which was founded on 21 August 1906 and has a dome-shaped Octagonal Blanket of five white and brings fantastic results. This place is easy to reach; mosques Medan are located at Jl. Sisingamangaraja in Medan.

3. Incredible Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a lake, and the Super Volcano Lake is 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide and 505 meters (1,666 feet) at its deepest point. Lake Toba is located in the middle of the north part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, with a surface elevation of about 900 meters (2,953 feet) from sea level. Lake Toba is a super volcanic eruption that occurred 69,000-77,000 years ago, a massive climate-changing event. The explosion is believed to have had a VEI intensity of 8. It is believed to be the largest explosive eruption anywhere on Earth in the last 25 million years. According to the Toba catastrophe theory, some anthropologists and archeologists subscribe to the global consequences, killing most humans then alive and creating a population bottleneck in Central Eastern Africa and India that affected the genetic inheritance of all humans today. This theory, however, has been much debated because there is no evidence for any other animal decline or extinction, even in environmentally sensitive species. However, it has been accepted that the eruption of Toba led to a volcanic winter with a worldwide drop in temperatures between 3-5 degrees C. The weather here is excellent but pleasant, but if you're used to hot temperatures, remember to bring a jacket.

4. Berastagi: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and Bustling markets

Berastagi, usually pronounced Brastagi, with an elevation of 1220m, close to Lake Toba, is a small, typical busy Indonesian town. Berastagi is located 70km from Medan. It does not rely on tourism, so you'll see the locals getting on with their lives rather than hassling tourists to make a living. Fruit farms, vegetable plantations, and flower-growing areas in North Sumatra surround the area.

There are two active volcanoes close to Berastagi. Sibayak, 2100 meters high. Climbing Sibayak Mountain is a great experience and beautiful sunrise scenery. The weather is superb, and the refreshing air makes you a great experience visiting Berastagi. 12 km south of Berastagi is Kabanjahe, from where you can walk 4km to the ancient, traditional village of Lingga, where the design of the houses with their horn-shaped roofs has remained unchanged for centuries.

Right next to the center of Berastagi is Bukit Gundaling, a hill overlooking Berastagi, Gunung Sibayak, and Gunung Sinabung. At the top of the mountain are some food and coffee stalls with excellent views over the town. There is also horse riding available up and down the hill. Tahura National Park is a beautiful spot for exploring the jungle. There is a good waterfall and many clear and accessible paths. You will almost certainly see wildlife on a short walk into the wilderness, gibbons, or other primates, and have a good chance of seeing a hornbill or other exotic birds. The Park also offers rides on Elephants and horses.

Forty minutes from Berastagi is the Sipiso - piso waterfall ('like a knife') on the northern edge of Lake Toba. The waterfall is 120m high and is formed by an underground river flowing into the Toba caldera.

5. Sibayak Mountain

Karo Batak people often refer to Sibayak as "Mountain King. "Sibayak means king in the Batak Karo language. Sibayak, which last erupted in 1600, is an active volcano with a height of smoke issuing up to 2 km. Clumps of smoke come from geothermal and are helpful for electrical energy. Karo has contained a steam power plant area near Mount Sibayak. The mountain altitude was about 2,094 m above sea level. From the village of Sibayak, the visible crater is slightly sloping conditions ( visible from the rear area of the steam power plant ), which looks like a mountain splitting. At approximately 15:00, the fog began to look around the mountain top to the bottom, and not long after, the fog began to spread to the spirit of the village of Mt . Fog conditions as these, together with the existing fog conditions at Dieng Plateau, Central Java or in Genting Highlands, Malaysia.

6. Crocodile Acid Beetle Field

A captive crocodile park horror. Acid Beetle Crocodile Park is one place you should try if you're in the field; visit the park because we can see thousands of alligators crocodiles in artificial bogs and the pools, varying crocodile ages until the age of 78 years.

7. Rahmat Gallery

Have they ever seen animals in the collection of preserved animals from various foreign countries? Yup, it can be seen in Medan Grace Gallery, a museum keeping animals known as the "wild museum" When my friend and I here very shocked; even meat animals were preserved and laid out as possible, adding insight into the animal world. In the museum, there is a collection of animal grace 1000 species. Rahmat International Wildlife Museum location at Jl. S. Parman field with grace Gallery admission price Rp 25,000 for adults.

8. Kampung Keling / Madras Kampung Medan

Kampung Keling, now known as Madras, is a village where da Yanga in Medan has a sizeable Indian population. Not far from the Sun Plaza Medan, there is a unique golden brown temple—of Indian origin and able to speak little native Tamil language.

9. Bukit Lawang attraction

If you love nature, try Bukit Lawang in the renowned Leuser Park with the forest. We can see the forest in the hills of mace, the forests in the wild are in the woods or look feedings monkeys. Many tourists stop here and try roaming the wild forests of Sumatra. Distance hill mace is 80 km from Medan and Binjai to get through the city. Around the park, there is the Lauser Bahorok River and a large bridge, and the area can feel friendly in the forest and countryside. Tangkahan is one of the sights that can be used for reference in the streets of Medan and is famous for its Elephant field. Tangkahan places like a wild forest, cave bats, cubing, elephant trekking, and waterfalls in cruising. Tangkahan is one of the eco-tourism in Indonesia.

10. Tangkahan

Tangkahan combines vegetation and topography, making it a great you'll tourist spot rarely found elsewhere. The Batang Serangan and Buluh rivers, converging exactly in this zone, are typical of rainforest streams, with diverse varieties of vegetation and colorful rocks and Sumatra Elephants on their banks. The clear, bluish-green river water against the panoramic view creates a mystical atmosphere. The Best season to Visit is June to October.

11. Sipiso - piso Waterfall

Sipiso - piso Waterfall is a natural tourism area near the village community settlements Tongging, Sub Brand, Karo District, North Sumatra Province. It is not unlike visiting the village traveled to Sipiso - piso. Geographically, "Tongging is in the lower plains, while Sipiso - piso Waterfall is located in the higher hills of the city Tongging. This waterfall is situated at an altitude of approximately 800 meters above sea level and is surrounded by green hills covered with pine forests since

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